
>> Saturday, June 21, 2008

That was our inspiration for today..."simple." I had some ideas but I just thought I'd keep the photo uncluttered and easy to look at, maybe even monochromatic...you know, simple. So I started with this one...just some little pieces of gravel in a heart-shape on a wooden step. Pretty simple, right?? And I actually really liked it except for one little thing. That little piece of a shadow in the lower left corner. And since we agreed to no cropping, I just couldn't make myself use it. It just bothered me...isn't that silly??? So, I kept thinking about simple things or sayings about simple things like "easy as pie" or "piece of cake" but I didn't want to do something like that. So I thought about my kids and the simplicity of things through their eyes. Like, things are either right or wrong, no grey areas for kids. And love...the love of a child is so simple and pure. No worrying about whether someone might hurt you or being suspicious of people. They love with all of their heart...completely. So...I cut a little heart out of a piece of felt and asked my daughter to lend a hand, literally. hehe! And here's the shot I chose for my "simple" submission:

I'm pretty happy with that one. And I think I see a scrapbook page in my future, too. So those are my two favorite shots for today. Our word for Saturday is "summer" and Sunday is a free day so we get to upload any photo we want! Should be a fun photo weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!! Don't forget to snap a few shots today!! :-)


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