It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

>> Saturday, October 11, 2008 that song stuck in your head now??? :-) Not that I ever watched Mister Roger's Neighborhood {wink, wink} but if you did, then you might have the theme song running through your head now...I apologize for that! Anyway...the last few days have been stunningly gorgeous! The leaves around our pond are at their peak and they just seem to be electric in the sunlight. It's so mesmerizing and breath-taking. And a couple days ago, I had just put the kids on the bus and saw some geese on the pond. I thought they had already headed out for the winter so I was a little surprised to see them. Then, a bunch of ducks decided to stop by and eagle flew in. I still get so excited when I see an eagle that close in the wild. It's one thing to see them at a zoo but when you step out onto your front porch and an eagle does a fly-by, it's just an amazing sight. So I just had a couple quick leafy/eagle pictures to share.

I am truly blessed to be where I am. You can't live in a place like this without seeing the hand of God all around you...gorgeous. Okay...that was my reflective little moment you know I have to chat about Project Runway.

Did anyone watch it?? Spoiler alert!!!! I SO didn't want to like Kenley's stuff...I wanted it to be Korto, Jarrell, and Leanne in the finals but when the did the runway show with their wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses, I was a little worried for Korto!!! And Kenley's was truly fabulous so I knew she was going to be in. Poor Jarrell. I'm sure we'll see more of him. I am so excited to see the finale!! Yay!! Can't wait for that!!

And i just uploaded my layout for week 5 over at Bad Girls kits. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but oh my...the gallery is just overflowing with gorgeous-ness!!! Seriously talented ladies over there. Have I mentioned how honored I am to still be in the last 51?? So honored!! And shocked!!

So that's all for now...just wanted to share a couple pictures and rant about PR. Thanks for stopping by!!


beckyjune October 11, 2008 at 10:59 PM  

Yes, I do have that song in my head now. Love those trees- that is gorgeous, Phoebe. Can I come visit you? I miss seeing the leaves change in the fall. Down here it's warm, then a little cooler, then a little warmer and then Hot and back again. We don't really get to enjoy the seasons down here. Oh, and congrats on making it another week in the BG challenge and for having Emilie Ahern stop by your blog. COOOOL!! Her work is beautiful.

Amanda October 13, 2008 at 11:47 AM  

What a gorgeous "backyard" Phoebe!

leah October 13, 2008 at 10:25 PM  

Gorgeous pics, Phoebe! :)

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