Stay tuned...

>> Thursday, May 29, 2008

After much debate and back-and-forthing about my icky's the day it finally gets cut! Woohoo! I'm excited! I just hope it turns out okay...I'm sure it will...just a few jitters this morning. I snapped some 'before' pictures and once the deed is done, I'll snap some 'after' pictures and upload them this evening. We have a tech guy coming this morning (he was supposed to be here yesterday...that didn't work out) to work on our internet so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back in to update everything but I promise to do it as soon as I am able. I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to get the "Amanda," but it's definitely going to be shorter. (For those of you that might be wondering...Amanda is one of the fabulous girlies on the DT at AC Bailey and she has a rawkin' hair cut that we've all been it!! We've all been requesting pictures so that we can take it to our stylists and get the rocks!) Anyway...we'll see what I finally decide on. I'm not even going to know until I get in the chair and chat with the stylist...I'm so indecisive. teehee. is definitely getting chopped. So stayed tuned...I'll update as soon as I can!! weeeeee!!! This should be an interesting day!! Wish me luck...and courage!

Warning.....another really bad "before" picture follows...

Sure hope my "after" picture is better than that!! *yikes!!* See you in a bit!!!


Amanda May 29, 2008 at 11:47 AM  

Ooooh.... can't wait to see what you decide to do! Think you'll LOVE having short hair!! And how cool is it that you've digi'd up your photos! (which I don't think are bad!) You seem like such a funky fun person, I think a little sassy do will suit you just fine.... I'm on pins and needles here.........

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