
>> Thursday, May 29, 2008

Okay, I just got home and snapped a couple self-portraits...they're not the best but you should be able to get the idea. I have to turn around and head back out...more running to do but I promised an update! I think I am SO going to love it once I get to play with it and mess it up a bit. Oh and I made an appointment to get it colored in a couple weeks. I super excited about will have some really nice highlights and funky colors then. *squeal* are some peeks at the new do...


Amanda May 31, 2008 at 1:11 PM  

YAY!!! I actually took a peek that night of your new do, but didn't have time to comment, so now I'm back!
It look AWESOME! Betcha you're really gonna like it! Short, fun, but still "flowy". Cool!!

leah June 1, 2008 at 2:15 PM  

I love how it turned out!!

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