Babbling, Rambling...the usual. :)

>> Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A little warning...I might gush shamelessly about Stephen Lynch in this post. Yeh...I'm prepared. Sooo...I went to the Stephen Lynch show that I was so excited about a couple weeks ago. I was a little worried that the anticipation that I had for the weekend might set me up for disappointment. I was wrong. It.was.AWESOME!! I laughed from the minute he walked on-stage and might have finally stopped by the time we got home. Mr. Lynch brought out a couple of his friends, JoBurg and Rod, who were absolutely incredible! JoBerg is not only hilarious but he can wail! What a voice on that man! Gees! (Not dissing Mr. Lynch...his voice is awesome as well...that goes without saying, right?) The three of them play off of each other so killed me! I laughed so hard I was in tears and in pain...and I loved it! They played right to every child of the 80's. Totally awesome, dude. heehee! And did I mention that our seats were fabulous?? Cuz they were. And I was in good company, too. Bonus! It was seriously a night that I will never forget. My only regret...I left my camera in the car. I didn't think they were allowed. So imagine the look on my face when, right before the show started, they made an announcement that photography was "encouraged." DOH!! Heartbreak! iCry. Oh matter. I don't have photos but I have the best memories. It was divine. I highly recommend catching a Stephen Lynch show when you get the chance.

Moving on...guess what I got for Mother's Day...go 'head...guess!! {pausing...waiting for a guess...} My hub got me a new camera!! Uh huh...he did!! I've always been a Canon chick but had started toying with the idea of trying out a Nikon a few years ago. Sooo...he took the plunge for me and surprised me with a brand new Nikon D5000! Woohoo!! Now if I can just figure this puppy out!! (And if I can keep my sister from stealing it...hehe!!) I haven't had the chance to really play with it yet. Icky weather and sick kiddos. eww. But soon...soon I'm heading out on a photography roadtrip to play!! And maybe, just maybe, I'll talk some of my fam and/or friends into modeling for me. (Bribery might have to happen.) Can't wait to play!! eeeee!!!
Summing it up: Stephen Lynch....I heart him muchly. New camera...awesomeness...need to play. Here's a pic of my sweet Sydney that I snapped with the Nikon...(edited using 'vintage action' by photoshop stock)...thanks for stopping by!! mwah! :)


leah May 15, 2010 at 9:02 PM  

Yay for the fun times and WOOT for a new camera!! Congrats, girl! Can't wait to see what you'll come up with! ;)

Unknown June 12, 2010 at 11:03 PM  

Hey you!!! I want more new camera pics!! ;) Congrats!

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